Untitled Open World Game
By gravy59
This is an upcoming project: an open-world game that combines air, land, and sea mechanics with dynamic multiplayer systems. Our goal is to create a game that delivers depth, freedom, and a highly immersive experience.
The World
This game will feature a procedural map that loads chunks on demand. The systems are designed to let you approach challenges in your own way. There will be three main areas to the game:
- Land: Explore, build, trade. Players will visit cities, wander the rural landscape, and enter into firefights with other teammates.
- Sea: Small boats to aircraft carriers. You can fish, but it’s more fun to shoot missiles and torpedoes at people.
- Air: This will be a highly airship-focused game. Similar to sea, except you can launch fighter jets from your airships and fight battles in 3D.
Game Modes
We might have them, we might not. I’m favoring the option for both singleplayer and multiplayer. Multiplayer servers should support 20-50 players.
Expected Early Access Date
Don’t hold your breath.